Daily Log for: March 05, 2000
64 MGB Home

Another great day in Iowa!!  Upper 60s...plenty of sunshine...why would anyone leave this for the winter??

But seriously, I got a little more done today, before running off to a golf league meeting, then bowling.  I cleaned up the two good a-arms, and I cleaned most of one of the calipers.  I was able to remove one of the pistons from the caliper with compressed air, but I couldn't get the other one completely out.  I left it soaking in Liquid Wrench nd will try again tomorrow.  I called in another order to Victoria British for front end parts and some miscellaneous parts to bring the total order to over $500 (free shipping!).

We've set a tentative short-term schedule to get certain things done.  The plan is to finish the transmission and front suspension in March, do the rear suspension in April, then clean and paint the bottom of the car in May.  If we can meet that schedule we'll re-evaluate and set a schedule for the remaining work (paint, interior, assembly).  I'd like to get everything done by mid to late August.

Here's a comparison of a cleaned a-arm, and a non-cleaned a-arm.

Here's the bad a-arms...note the elongated hole on the right, and the gouged fulcrum bolt on the left.

Here's a before shot of one of the brake calipers.

This shows the position of the brake pads and associated hardware.

This is the "after" shot of the windscreen demister outlet panel.  This comes from behind the speaker panel.
Click here for the "before" shot.


64 MGB Home