Daily Log for: October 25, 2000
64 MGB Home

Things are moving along nicely.  I got the car back from the sandblaster last Friday (10/20), and hauled it straight to the body shop.  It's all set up on the rotisserie and ready to be worked on.  I'm putting together an order for body panels and a bunch of other stuff I need and will place that order tomorrow.  We're going to shoot for having the body work done sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas, so that will give me some time to restore the many small parts that still need attention.  The plan is to do the bottom of the car and get it all done, then Randy and I will haul the suspension out to the body shop and install it.  Then we'll drop the car off the rotisserie and they'll do the rest of the body work that way.

I've been plating a bunch of parts...they're really turning out nice.  I hope they stay that way.

Here's a few shots of the body at the body shop, fresh from the sandblaster.  I was pretty disappointed with the sandblasting.  I thought everything should be a dull gray, like the front part of the car in the picture.  But there is a lot of paint left on the body.  They said they didn't want to hit it too hard and get the metal too hot, but my brother in law agreed that it should have come out much cleaner.  Oh well, live and learn.  They did uncover more rust...the right rocker is rusted through behind the front fender.  It's not real bad, but will require some attention.

We decided to buy a new panel for the rear...I can get it for about $85, so it's not too bad.  There's quite a bit of putty in the existing one, plus the lower edge is quite wrinkled.





These next 3 shots are of one of the heater box clips, before cleaning.



And these next 3 pictures are of the same clip after sandblasting.

And finally, these 3 are of the same clip after plating.


64 MGB Home